Friday, May 23rd, 2008 at 8pm

It can look like there is a Swedish season going on at castillo/corrales, or a Swedish twist on the program. How come? Will it continue like this? And for how long? Speculations are open.

Following the performative presentation of the journal OEI earlier this month, castillo/corrales is pleased to offer its faithful audience another moment of concrete poetry. Delivered this time by Berlin-based Swedish artist Karl Holmqvist.

Karl Holmqvist works with images, objects, video, but first and foremost with language and printed matter. His writings draw from the experimental techniques of Brion Gysin, William Burroughs and the like — cut-up, permutation, foldings et al. Using text as material and sources as a diverse as Allen Ginsberg, David Bowie or Walt Whitman, Holmqvist explores the mechanics of language and constructs a form of critical lyricism.

Holmqvist’ s readings are performances one should not miss, marked by the specific and calm presence of the artist, his distinctive voice and breathing, rhythm modulations and nuances, from murmur or whisper to litany and praise.

Holmqvist’s reading at c/c will be based on one of his latest works, specifically imagined for the first issue of FACEHUG, a periodical created in Berlin in 2007 by Ana-Maria Hadji-Culea, that castillo/corrales is glad to have in its bookstore, Section 7 Books.

castillo/corrales warmly thanks Catherine Chevalier who helped organize this event.

For more information on the work of Karl Holmqvist, visit his website
Click here to learn more about FACEHUG magazine.