Primary Information double book launch with James Hoff

Friday, February 7th, 7 PM
With–finally at Section 7 Books–James Hoff!

We’re very pleased to invite you – even if last minute, sort of – to an evening with the multi-talented, Brooklyn-based, artist and publisher James Hoff.

The co-founder, with Miriam Katzeff, of Primary Information, a non-for-profit arts organization focusing on publishing artists’ books and republishing documents, journals, zines, or experimental poetry—from Avalanche to Lutz Bacher, from Lee Lozano to Real Life Magazine— James Hoff will present the latest releases of PI: Aram Saroyan’s Complete Minimal Poems, and the reprint of the legendary Anthology of Concrete Poetry edited by Emmett Williams at Something Else Press in 1967.

We’ll talk with James Hoff about his approach to independent publishing, how he’s been granting his readers access to amazing archival treasures, the circulation of counter-culture in the age of the digital, underground writing technologies and the love of printed matter.

Learn more, read more, at