Friday, November 16 at 8.30 pm

— a night in books with Jessica Warboys & Goda Budvytytė —

castillo/corrales is very happy to celebrate the release of Jessica Warboys’s artist book Vanelephant, designed by Goda Budvytytė and edited by Margareta von Oswald, published by Sternberg Press.

The artist will be present, and will tell us more about her work on the archival material she found at Nogent-sur-Marne and that formed the basis for the book Vanelephant, focusing on the dancer Hélène Vanel. 

The designer will be here too, and will unfold her approach to books, presenting her design of Rai Malašauskas’s Paper Exhibition – Selected writings, and also her work with writer Richard Kostelanetz on the show “Openings & Closings” at Kunstverein Amsterdam.

Believe it or not, inspired cocktails by Margareta von Oswald and Marion Benoît will also be served. I guess Gaudel de Stampa is responsible for this promising catering.