Saturday May 21th at 6PM

castillo/corrales’ bookstore Section 7 Books relaunch its program of events with a conversation between Michel Giroud and Bernard Girardabout the genealogy of the Letterist movement in post-war ParisGirard and Giroud are both non-academic historians of the avant-garde movements, and respectively published Lettrisme, L’ultime avant-garde, and Paris, laboratoire des avant-gardes, 1945-1965, at Les Presses du réel, in the collection L’Écart Absolu.

This special evening on the lives and times of Letterism will be introduced by art critics Jonas J. Magnusson and Kim West, unexpectedly coming from Stockholm for this specific occasion. But one should know that this event is part of a larger project called “All the King’s Horses”, that investigates the roots and legacies of the Situationist movement. “All the King’s Horses” is initated by Moderna Museet, Stockholm, with support from Allianz Kulturstiftung. In connection to this evening a screening devoted to Letterist cinema, hosted by Frédérique Devaux, will also takes place at the Institut suédois in Paris on May 19 (tonight) at 7.30.