Saturday February 13, from 2 to 7pm

Back Cover, the Paris-based magazine edited by graphic design team DeValence returns with a new issue. Articulated through a rigorous selection of articles, this third issue offers new texts, interviews and new thinking by Abäke, Alexandre Dimos, Anthony Froshaug, Aurélien Froment, Richard Hollis, Jean-Yves Jouannais, Robin Kinross, Metahaven, Didier Semin, Yann Sérandour, Benjamin Thorel and Raphaël Zarka. On Saturday 13th at Section 7 Books, starting at 2pm, DeValence will present the issue and act as bookstore attendants for the day, offering advices and commentaries to visitors about the bookstore’s selection. At 6pm, they will deliver a more formal presentation of the issue, and to reward their contribution to the business of the day at section 7 books, as well as to the intellectual scene, with this great journal, drinks will be served.

graphic design, typography, etc.
#3 Winter—Spring 2010, 60 p.
Bilingual French /English