Saturday 2nd of November

Gonçalo Sena and Nuno Da Luz, from Atlas Projectos
“Eppur si muove”

Marie Muracciole
introducing “Écrits sur la photographie”
by Allan Sekula (Beaux-arts de Paris éditions, 2013)

Erik Hartin & Clodagh Kinsella (Everyone Agrees)
presenting “After The Night” & “The Night” by Michèle Bernstein (Bookworks, 2013)

In the aftermath of the FIAC, and as a pause in our programme after the excitment of our second Annual Benefit, this weekend castillo/corrales focuses on publishing.
Time has come to take a seat, and offer yourself to reading.

On the afternoon of Saturday, November 2, we’ll host three talks, three presentations by authors, artists, graphic designers, translators, and/or editors, whose recent book projects are amongst the ones that make Section 7 Books a wonderful place to run, and to visit.
What the subject matter of these books have in common isn’t the point – but the way their authors’ enterprises make texts and ideas move and circulate again is, far from the “artists’ books” routine. Through collection, translation, parody, inspiration, bootlegging, exchange and sales, Erik Hartin & Clodagh Kinsella – from Everyone Agrees, who wrote “After The Night” under the influence of Michèle Bernstein’s long-forgotten second novel, “La Nuit”, that Kinsella translated to English –, Marie Muracciole – the editor of the collected writings of Allan Sekula on photography, in French –, Gonçalo Sena and Nuno Da Luz – who will discuss the moves of their Lisbon and Berlin-based imprint, Atlas Projectos –, give sense to the very idea of publishing: creating a public and the possibility of reinventing a context for conversations.