with Christophe Gallois, Jean-Philippe Antoine, and Pierre Leguillon
Friday July 2, at 7pm

The book The Space of Words is conceived as an extension to the exhibition of the same name, curated by Christophe Gallois at Mudam, Luxembourg, in 2009. Articulated around the practice of eleven artists from different generations –Marcel Broodthaers, Ryan Gander, Raymond Hains, Ed Ruscha, Frances Stark, Josef Strau or Tris Vonna-Michell, amongst others– it explores the relationships between language and space. Erasure, alteration, the slippage or exploding of meaning, illogism, the transposition of the medium of the text to the exhibition space are some of the issues which triggered this project. The catalogue The Space of Words further highlights the singularity of the artists’ approaches, notably through a series of new interviews with them, original contributions by artists Aurélien Froment, Ryan Gander and Josef Strau, and essays by Gallois and Jean-Philippe Antoine.

Christophe Gallois, editor and curator of The Space of Words, Jean-Philippe Antoine and Pierre Leguillon, who contributed to the book too, will present it along some documents in relation to it.

NB: We could add that castillo/corrales’s current show, “John Latham: Into the Noit”, is not completely alien to that very question of the physics of words (and reverse)

The Space of Words. 336 pages, French/English. Texts by Jean-Philippe Antoine, Christophe Gallois, Pierre Leguillon, Markus Pilgram. Graphic design: Florence Richard (Mudam). Editor: Christophe Gallois (Mudam). ISBN 978-2-919923-29-8. Mudam éditions, 2010. €30