Mathieu Kleyebe Abonnenc, Lander Burton, David Douard, Armand Jalut, Renaud Jerez, Julien Kernanet, Lucie Lanzini, Markus Lichti, Nicolas Linel, Cyrille Maillot, and Clément Rodzielski

May 20 – June 11

There are a thousand ways we could write this announcement. The transition from our former space of Rue Rébeval to the new space of castillo/corrales now located at 80 rue Julien Lacroix in Paris’ XXth arrondissement has been a lively, tangled and richly storied one. But we’d rather keep such anecdotes for later, for Friday night or when we meet next. We could entice you by describing what exactly is new in the new castillo/corrales besides the change of street location: a prime exhibition space, an unparalleled bookstore which now has its own room, an operative platform for publishing, and an office space that you wouldn’t mind becoming your second home. We could even reflect on what it means for castillo/corrales to scale-up like that, how exciting it is, how daunting too … maybe it would sound too good to be true.

But there was only one exhibition we could do to inaugurate the new space. And that is an exhibition gathering the artworks of the artists friends who have given us so much of their time and energy recently in helping us renovate, conceive, and move in, the new castillo/corrales. We’ve shared with them our questions, concerns and hopes about the future, discussing insulating, screeding, wiring, keys, support structures and work organization. They got to know every detail, every eccentricity of the rooms of the new space, as they were working on them, turning a time-honored pharmacy into a place for our work and the art of others. We’re starting by exhibiting their work. We thought it is just nice to grow up this way.

We very much look forward to welcoming you next Friday evening from 8pm onwards at 80 rue Julien Lacroix and celebrate with us all the inauguration of the new space of castillo/corrales and of its first exhibition: The Best Society.

The Best Society features works by Mathieu Kleyebe Abonnenc, Lander Burton, David Douard, Armand Jalut, Renaud Jerez, Julien Kernanet, Lucie Lanzini, Markus Lichti, Nicolas Linel, Cyrille Maillot, and Clément Rodzielski.