castillo / corrales takes you to at Frieze London 14-17 october 2015
TODAY, TONIGHT Vendredi 29 mars/Friday March 29 19h30 / 7.30 pm: JOHN BEESON IN CONVERSATION WITH BENJAMIN THOREL NOT (…) SPECIFICALLY (…) PLEASURE John Beeson lives in Berlin, writes art criticism, and recently started as the editor of Texte zur Kunst. On Friday, March 29th – at castillo/corrales, he will NOT talk about the role […]
SUPPORT CASTILLO/CORRALES! On Saturday, November 24th 2012, castillo/corrales will organize its First Annual Benefit Event. Your support is important — even decisive — to allow us to continue our program of exhibitions, events and publications and secure the future of the bookstore Liam Gillick has created a beautiful limited edition for this event, and […]